
Mission Trip to Nigeria - Post 10

Monday, April 7

I had to stop writing because the boys came to play Euchre. That's been our saving grace this trip - our little piece of home.

Pictures above are the boys playing Euchre in their native wear...funny!

We are all really homesick and can't wait till tomorrow!!! Sara is really sick. She's been throwing up since last night. They've given her medicine to help stop the throwing up and it helps for a little while. We think it may be food poisoning because she doesn't have any other symptoms for anything else. So, we've been praying for her - in Jesus name.

Well, that was the end of everything I wrote. I wrote that (above) Monday afternoon, as James and I stayed with Sara at the hotel while the other boys went to the first orphanage that we visited when we first arrived. James came in our room and he and I played cards...very interesting cards I might add! At first we played Rummy. Got bored with that and tried Gin Rummy, but neither of us really knew the rules or how, so we just kind of made stuff up as we went. Then, we got bored with that, so we tried to make up some other game, but that didn't work out either. So, then I got the bright idea to teach James Cribbage, without a Cribbage Board mind you. Interesting to say the least! I don't think James is a fan of Cribbage.

I will do one more post of the remainder of the pics that I didn't journal about and post anything that sparks a memory and that will be it, my Mission Trip to Nigeria!

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Ps. 37:4, Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart!