
So proud of my Son!

Gonna brag a bit on my son, Kaleb who is a senior in high school and 18. He's an amazing skier!!!! My hubby posted this blog about his latest ski meet, that we missed!!! Darn it! Kaleb lives with his dad, and Jeff and I hadn't printed the ski meet schedules off yet from the school's website so neither of us were prepared to go. Trust me, it takes a lot of mental preparation, work preparation, dinner preparation and so so to go stand out on a ski hill. I love seeing him race, don't get me wrong, I just need to be prepared and we didn't find out about the race until the mid afternoon. The race was at 5:00.

Anyway! As Jeff pointed out in his blog (for those of you who haven't clicked on the link above yet) Kaleb took first in the meet!!! He came in first in both the GS and Slalom. He's doing awesome and I'm very proud of him. Next time we will go for sure and have the camera!


  1. That is awesome! Congrats to Kaleb!!!

  2. I will be sure to tell him! I'm sure he'll love that a total stranger (to him) appreciates his efforts and acknowledges them so. I'm not even sure he knows I write about him. LOL. Now he will!


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Ps. 37:4, Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart!