
New Year! New Routine!

I am on a New Year kick!!! It's a New Year (almost) so time for some new routines! Especially since I'm working from home full time now, I have to get my writing routine down so that I am sure to get them all done. The other thing I'm working on is my health! I'm over being unhealthy and fat! So, I am going to start exercising every day for at least 15 minutes, drinking a lot more water, and eating smaller portions!

The other thing I'm adding to my daily routine is reading my bible everyday when I first get up! There's no better way to starting your day than in God's word. Jeff got me a new bible for Christmas that I LOVE, so I will be digging into it every day! I already started today off with reading a few morsels from it today! And have I had a blessed day!!! It's amazing!

Another thing I'm going to start doing is eating breakfast within the first hour after I get up. This boosts the metabolism, gives you energy and brain power for the day.

I noticed though, that now that I'm working from home full time, it's actually harder to get the laundry done and the dishes done! How weird is that?! I definitely have to work on that.

Speaking of laundry, I better get up and to get it started right now. My hubby is out of clean underwear!

1 comment:

  1. Those all sounds like awesome things to add to your daily routine. Even better they are realistic and totally doable.

    Happy New Year!


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Ps. 37:4, Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart!