
It's a God thing!

I just read Jeff's latest post, so I thought I'd add my thoughts of the past events in our new romance. Jeff's Mom and Dad are so nice and "welcoming". I felt completely comfortable around them, even though I didn't talk much, but that's just my personality. They seem very warm and family oriented, and it was just so nice to meet the two people that brought the best thing that ever happened to me into this world. So Thank You to Tom and Aleene Lutz!

Let's see...Jeff told all about how we met and started dating, and he told it very well, I might add, so I don't need to go into any of that. So, I will talk about what's been happening since then. Like he said, meeting of the family members went well, although he still has to meet my mom. I am sure that will go well, my mom is pretty accepting to most people, if she ever gets over here to Gaylord, or we ever go to her house in Boyne City. We will have to make the effort, I am certain. My best friend, Rhonda, who now lives in Missouri, approves of Jeff, just from what I've told her and what she's read on his blog and web site. She has no "red flags" about him. And neither does my sister! So, those are two huge plusses. Not that I need anyone's approval, but it's so exciting that they are excited and happy for me, that I have found someone who truly makes me happy. They know it could only be a "God thing". Speaking of "God things", Jeff made mention of how neither of us believe in coincidences, and that is so true. During our blossoming romance, we have both noticed that what I like, he likes as well. This not only pertains to the physical things, like touch and looking into each others eyes, but the spiritual and the emotional things. We have such a strong spiritual connection, which is the most important connection, that all the other things fall into place naturally. It is "so cool" (as we both have a tendancy to say). God gave me a scripture 2 years ago; Psalm 37:4 which reads, "Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart." God gave me that when I was praying for a relationship. As Jeff and I have been talking and getting to know one another, he mentioned the above scripture, that God gave it to him, a year or so ago, too. How awesome is that??? So, now we are beginning to expand our horizons in the sense that we are going to start attending each others church services when our schedules allow. We both know that this will be a decision we have to make down the road, which church are we going to attend. But, for now, we are going to go to each others. That just means more church, more getting closer to God, and therefore, more time we get to spend with each other, and interact with each others friends and church families. Tomorrow will be the first time that I will attend his church as part of a regular church service. I have been to his church many times, as a matter of fact that is where I took my Walk to Emmaus. (Doubt that's a coincidence!) And that is where the beginning of our "relationship" began, on the last two walks, at his church. Plus, I have been there for a couple of luncheons with a co-worker who is a member of the same church. And a craft sale. I have also been to Jeff's church on a Sunday, as part of the Emmaus team, and have seen Jeff sing in the choir (which is another God thing-we both sing!). I might add, that just as Jeff was not wanting to be too obvious about hanging around me while typing for the men's walk, I too was trying not to be too obvious about hanging around and watching him sing that Sunday morning of the Women's walk. I think its cute how we can tell each other these things now, and as we look back on them, put it all together, that he was interested in me as much as I was interested in him. Another God thing! So, as this romance continues to grow, and we get to know each other more spiritually and emotionally, I'm sure he and I will have tons to write about. He mentioned once, in the very beginning of our romance, that it would be nice to log all of this stuff. Uh, I think we are doing that very thing! This could be called "Jeff and Mary's Love Story".

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Ps. 37:4, Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart!